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Mouse Ear Magic Travel Vendor Event Registration form
If you would like to participate in a vendor event, representing Mouse Ear Magic Travel, you are required to have prior approval. Please fill out the event form below. Once approved, I will send an email confirmation the event you would like to participate in. Thank you!
Indicates required field
Agent Name
Name of Vendor Event
Date of Vendor Event
Address of Vendor Event
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Time slot that you will be at event
Please tell me about the event in short detail.
Our company banner is required for any event that you host to represent Mouse Ear Magic Travel. Do already have our agency banner for vendor events?
If you do not have our agency banner, once this form is received, I will email you with log in and password information to our exclusive Vistaprint business account for agents. Here, you can order a banner as well as table top signs. This is a newly set up account so always check back for new items. *Please note: our company banner is required to be ordered and paid for by the agent..
You understand that use of our company banner is strictly for approved events only and may not be used for any other reason or event without prior approval.
Yes, I understand
You are aware of the MEM Travel Vendor Event Rules and Requirements and will familarize yourself with them prior to events. *This information can be found in the files section of our FB group.
Event is not approved until you have received a confirmed email from the agency.